Sean Mann Guitar - Membership Area

The membership area was created as a way for me to be able to further engage with you and help you out with your guitar goals. When I was practising relentlessly in my bedroom as a teen, I wished that I could have had a direct line to the players that inspired me. How great would it have been if I could ask any questions about a certain technique or phrase that I was stuck on, something that would help speed up the learning process.

Sometimes all it takes is a different perspective to really supercharge your progress. I found this to be true when I would stumble upon a technique, or a certain way of playing a phrase. After months of struggle the lightbulb moment would finally hit.

What if you could cut out the months of struggle and ask directly how to overcome the rut that so many guitar players get stuck in...

Become a member at Sean Mann Guitar to get access to exclusive perks and become part of a community of like-minded guitar players all striving to up their game!

What you get when you become a member:

  • 4 Exclusive Video Lessons per month (1 Weekly)

  • Monthly Livestream to hang and chat all things guitar. You can ask any questions directly to me live

  • Full Tabs and Backing Tracks for my Youtube videos

  • Access to a Facebook Community Group. The Community Group will be a haven for members where you can share your progress and offer advice to others. I also moderate the group and post tips regularly.

  • Early Access to Video Releases

  • Discounts on all of my Online Guitar Courses/Bundles

Exclusive Video Lessons

As a Sean Mann Guitar member, you will gain access to 4 exclusive video lessons per month. New lessons are posted weekly and cover a vast range of topics. From technique, blues soloing, song section breakdowns and much more, these lessons will be targeted to all skill sets, from beginner to advanced. There's something for everyone! You can also request lesson topics in the Facebook Community Group!

Monthly Livestream

Members get access to a livestream which is hosted monthly. The livestream will feature Q&A sessions, jam sessions, general chat. Deep dives into any and all aspects of guitar playing! The livestreams are recorded and posted in the Membership Area after streaming incase you can't make it or you just simply would like to rewatch!

Facebook Community Group

Members also have access to the Sean Mann Guitar Facebook Community Group. I aim to build a haven for guitar players where you can share your progress and offer advice to others. I moderate the group and post tips regularly. You can also have your say about what video lessons you would like to see, what areas you need improvement on and what topics you would like to be discussed in the monthly livestream!!

Full Tabs and Backing Tracks for my YouTube Videos

Full tabs and backing tracks for my YouTube videos are available once you become a member. Tabs and backing tracks will be updated when I release new videos!

Early Access to Video Releases and Discounts on all Online Courses!

Once you become a member you will get first priority access to my video releases, as well as discounts on all of my online courses and course bundles!!

Become a Member at Sean Mann Guitar Now!